#252 Duotone Super Star 5.3 Luff 428cm Boom 168cm $369
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#251 Ezzy Legacy 6.5 Luff 455cm Boom 198cm $479
Duotone Slick 7.0 in good condition. Boom included. $299 SOLD
#250 Ezzy Cheetah 6.5 2021 $459 SOLD
#249 Ezzy Lion 8.5 2019 Tape repair see pic …rubbed…
#248 Ezzy Cheetah 2024 7.5 $629 SOLD
#247 North Sails Duke 5.4 Luff 439cm Boom 178cm $229
Sailworks Flyer 4.5 $419
2024 Ezzy Cheetah 6.5 has been rigged two times store…
Make sure to check out our new sails that are…
#243 2023-2024 same. Ezzy Zeta 5.8. Luff 443cm Boom 179cm…
#238 Maui S2 Dragon 5.2 Luff 409cm Boom 171cm SOLD
#236 Duotone Superstar LTD 5.3. Luff 430cm Boom 170cm $429…
#235 Duotone Duke 5.8 2023 Luff 430cm Boom 178cm SOLD
#321 Naish Moto 5.5 Luff 430cm Boom 172cm $89 SOLD
#320 Ezzy Wave 3.0 Luff 342cm Boom 138cm New tag…
#318 Simmer Style X Flex 4.2 Luff 397cm Boom 152cm…
#319 Maui Sails Legend 4.0 Has a couple tape repairs…
We have a large selection of 2024 and older non…
#313 Maui TR2 10.5 cambered sail. $69
New Slingshot wings priced to sell !